Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)

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Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)

In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, investors are constantly on the lookout for innovative opportunities that offer enhanced returns and effective risk management. Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) have emerged as a flexible and cost-efficient solution for implementing active investment strategies. This article provides an in-depth look at AMCs, their advantages, and how they offer a customized approach to portfolio management.

What Are Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)?

Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) are unique investment vehicles that blend features of actively managed funds with structured products. They are designed to provide investors with professionally managed portfolios while retaining the liquidity and transparency associated with traditional exchange-traded securities. AMCs grant investors access to a diversified range of assets, including equities, bonds, commodities, and alternative investments.

The Flexibility of Actively Managed Certificates

AMCs offer a swift, adaptable, and cost-effective method for implementing dynamic investment strategies. Investors can quickly convert their investment strategy into a transferable security, with the option to link it to both traditional securities and non-bankable assets such as real estate, loan portfolios, collectibles, and digital assets.

Issued as debt securities by banks, securities dealers, or Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), AMCs can be either on or off the balance sheet, privately placed or exchange-traded. This flexibility provides investors with different avenues to access these investment strategies.

In most jurisdictions, AMCs fall under the category of structured products, where the payout depends on the performance of the underlying assets. These assets are selected and adjusted dynamically by an investment manager or according to predefined index rules.

The Role of Active Management

Central to the concept of Actively Managed Certificates is active management. Skilled portfolio managers utilize their expertise, market insights, and research to make informed investment decisions. They continuously monitor and analyze market trends, identifying potential opportunities and risks. By actively adjusting the portfolio holdings, these managers aim to optimize returns, manage risk, and potentially outperform passive investment strategies.

Benefits of Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) for Banks and Issuers

  1. Low Set-Up Costs: AMCs offer banks and issuers the advantage of lower initial set-up costs compared to traditional investment products. This cost efficiency allows institutions to allocate resources strategically, enhancing operational efficiency and overall profitability.
  2. Low Maintenance Costs: Once launched, AMCs entail relatively minimal ongoing operational expenses. This cost-effectiveness enables banks and issuers to optimize budgets and allocate resources to other critical areas of their business.
  3. Fast Time to Market: The streamlined processes associated with setting up AMCs, along with customizable templates and predefined structures, result in a notably fast time to market. This agility enables institutions to capitalize on market opportunities efficiently.
  4. Easy Customization for Each Customer Segment: AMCs offer the flexibility to tailor investment strategies, risk profiles, and features to cater to the unique preferences and requirements of diverse customer groups. This customization capability fosters long-term customer relationships and enhances client satisfaction.
  5. Inclusion of Any Asset Class: AMCs provide the flexibility to include a wide range of asset classes within their investment products, from equities and bonds to alternative assets such as cryptocurrencies or real estate. This versatility allows banks and issuers to offer diversified investment options that align with different risk appetites and market trends.


Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) represent an attractive solution for investors and portfolio managers alike. They combine the benefits of active investment management with the customization and flexibility of structured products. As the investment landscape continues to evolve, AMCs offer a pathway to harness the power of active investing in a cost-efficient and transparent manner. Whether you're a retail investor seeking diverse strategies or an institution looking to streamline your investment offerings, AMCs provide a compelling option worth exploring.