Press Release
September 14, 2021

vestr expands to Singapore, starting with a POC with Bank Julius Baer in Singapore

The Singapore branches of both vestr AG and Bank Julius Baer plan to launch their digital platform for Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) in Singapore to enable the-end-to-end value chain of Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) to be managed digitally.

vestr Pte Ltd, the Singapore branch of vestr AG, was awarded the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Financial Sector Technology and Innovation (FSTI) Proof-of-Concept (POC) grant. The FSTI POC grant provides funding support for experimentation, development and dissemination of nascent innovative technologies in the financial services sector.

vestr will collaborate with the Singapore entity of Bank Julius Baer in this POC.

The POC started in August of 2021 and is expected to conclude in the second half of 2022. The POC will focus on assessing the feasibility of digitising the end-to-end value chain of Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) for the Singapore entity of Bank Julius Baer, addressing the potential regulatory and legal concerns, as well as validating the extend of market demands for Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) in Singapore and Asia.

“The partnership with vestr to offer digital services around active management in Singapore, aims to improve transparency, flexibility and time-to-market. we believe that this innovative platform will accelerate our services and Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) activities, making it more efficient and intuitive.” Rajesh Manwani, Head of Markets and Wealth Management Solutions, Asia Pacific, Bank Julius Baer, commented.

Rico Blaser, Co-Founder and CEO of vestr shared, “We believe in democratising active management by the full process. This will further enable issuers and asset managers to focus on servicing their clients better and more efficiently.”


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Stay tuned for more updates about the collaboration between Bank Julius Baer and vestr!

In the meantime, feel free to reach out for any additional information about vestr and our end-to-end web-based platform.

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